Otha Allen “O. A.” Busch (1908-2004) - Find a... (2025)

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Pike County, Missouri, USA

30 Jan 2004 (aged 95)

Kirksville, Adair County, Missouri, USA


Park View Memorial Gardens

Kirksville,Adair County,Missouri,USAAdd to Map

Memorial ID
66782293 · View Source

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O.A., (Otha Allen) Busch, age 95, of Edina, Missouri, passed away Friday morning (January 30, 2004) at Northeast Regional Medical Center in Kirksville, Missouri.

Born June 8, 1908, in Pike County, Missouri, he was a son of Harry Theodore and Lillian Karl (Howdeshell) Busch.

On May 11, 1941, In Edina, Missouri he was united in Marriage to Virginia Claybrook.

Surviving are his wife, Virginia, of Edina, Missouri; two sons, Harry Dean Busch of Edina, Missouri, and Jody Lee Busch and his wife Brenda of Kirskville, Missouri; one daughter, Sonjia Jo Strange and her husband, Delmar, of Edina, Missouri; one sister, Lillian Livesay, also of Edina; one sister-in-law, Ada Busch of Elsberry, Missouri; six grandchildren, Angie Hall and husband, Russell, of Edina, Missouri; Chrissy Strange McCartney and husband, Brian, of Columbia, Missouri; Jeff Strange and wife, Staci, of Baring, Missouri; Racheal Clark and husband, Brandon, of Kirksville, Missouri; and Amanda Busch and friend, E.Z. Sevitts of Kirksville, Missouri; and Allen Busch, also of Kirksville, Missouri, and seven great-grandchildren, Abigail, Caitlee and Noah Hall; Riley Strange; Blake and Braxton Clark; and Raistlyn Sevitts; and a special friend Jevin Burgiss.

His parents, two brothers, Raymond Vincent and J.B. Busch, preceded him in death.

Mr. Busch has resided in Knox County since 1942. He was a produce wholesaler for the tri-state area. He was a cattle and hog producer for many years and enjoyed attending livestock auctions. He loved spending time with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren and was very proud of them.

Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m., Sunday (February 1, 2004) at the Hudson-Rimer Funeral Home in Edina, Missouri. Reverend Gerry Bass officiated the services and music was provided by Karen Stone and Carol Hayes.

Burial was at Park View Memorial Gardens at Kirksville, Missouri. Casket bearers were Jeff Strange, Allen Busch, Russell Hall, Brian McCartney, Brandon Clark and E.Z. Sevitts.

Visitation was after 4:00 p.m. Saturday,(January 31, 2004) with family receiving friends 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Hudson-Rimer Funeral Home in Edina, Missouri.


That was the "official" obituary. Also note that he was survived by his eldest daughter, Joyce Dean Busch Vollmer, and two grandsons, Darrell Lee Vollmer and Michael Steven Vollmer; he was also preceded in death by his first wife Melba Mildred Watson Busch King and one grandson, Richard Scott Vollmer.


O.A., (Otha Allen) Busch, age 95, of Edina, Missouri, passed away Friday morning (January 30, 2004) at Northeast Regional Medical Center in Kirksville, Missouri.

Born June 8, 1908, in Pike County, Missouri, he was a son of Harry Theodore and Lillian Karl (Howdeshell) Busch.

On May 11, 1941, In Edina, Missouri he was united in Marriage to Virginia Claybrook.

Surviving are his wife, Virginia, of Edina, Missouri; two sons, Harry Dean Busch of Edina, Missouri, and Jody Lee Busch and his wife Brenda of Kirskville, Missouri; one daughter, Sonjia Jo Strange and her husband, Delmar, of Edina, Missouri; one sister, Lillian Livesay, also of Edina; one sister-in-law, Ada Busch of Elsberry, Missouri; six grandchildren, Angie Hall and husband, Russell, of Edina, Missouri; Chrissy Strange McCartney and husband, Brian, of Columbia, Missouri; Jeff Strange and wife, Staci, of Baring, Missouri; Racheal Clark and husband, Brandon, of Kirksville, Missouri; and Amanda Busch and friend, E.Z. Sevitts of Kirksville, Missouri; and Allen Busch, also of Kirksville, Missouri, and seven great-grandchildren, Abigail, Caitlee and Noah Hall; Riley Strange; Blake and Braxton Clark; and Raistlyn Sevitts; and a special friend Jevin Burgiss.

His parents, two brothers, Raymond Vincent and J.B. Busch, preceded him in death.

Mr. Busch has resided in Knox County since 1942. He was a produce wholesaler for the tri-state area. He was a cattle and hog producer for many years and enjoyed attending livestock auctions. He loved spending time with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren and was very proud of them.

Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m., Sunday (February 1, 2004) at the Hudson-Rimer Funeral Home in Edina, Missouri. Reverend Gerry Bass officiated the services and music was provided by Karen Stone and Carol Hayes.

Burial was at Park View Memorial Gardens at Kirksville, Missouri. Casket bearers were Jeff Strange, Allen Busch, Russell Hall, Brian McCartney, Brandon Clark and E.Z. Sevitts.

Visitation was after 4:00 p.m. Saturday,(January 31, 2004) with family receiving friends 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Hudson-Rimer Funeral Home in Edina, Missouri.


That was the "official" obituary. Also note that he was survived by his eldest daughter, Joyce Dean Busch Vollmer, and two grandsons, Darrell Lee Vollmer and Michael Steven Vollmer; he was also preceded in death by his first wife Melba Mildred Watson Busch King and one grandson, Richard Scott Vollmer.

Family Members


  • Harry Theodore Busch 1877–1952
  • Lillian Karlene Howdeshell Busch 1881–1964


  • Melba Mildred Watson King 1914–1987 (m. 1930)
  • Virginia Sarah Ellen "Tudy" Claybrook Busch 1923–2009 (m. 1941)


  • Warren A Busch 1902–1903
  • Ray V Busch 1904–1990
  • Harry Wayne Busch 1910–1911
  • Lillian L "Babe" Busch Livesay 1913–2004
  • J. B. Pershing Busch 1918–1995
  • Audra T Busch 1921–1923
  • Aubrey T Busch 1921–1922


  • Joyce Dean Busch Vollmer 1930–2017
  • Harry Dean Busch 1941–2016

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See more Busch memorials in:

  • Park View Memorial Gardens
  • Kirksville
  • Adair County
  • Missouri
  • USA
  • Find a Grave


  • Maintained by: Mike
  • Originally Created by: Harvey Pearson
  • Added:Mar 11, 2011
  • Find a Grave Memorial ID:
  • Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/66782293/otha_allen-busch: accessed ), memorial page for Otha Allen “O. A.” Busch (8 Jun 1908–30 Jan 2004), Find a Grave Memorial ID 66782293, citing Park View Memorial Gardens, Kirksville,Adair County,Missouri,USA;Maintained by Mike (contributor 47462778).

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Otha Allen “O. A.” Busch  (1908-2004) - Find a... (2025)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.