This is the page for the series. If you are looking for the SML Movie, see this page.
Jeffy Ball Z is a series parody of Dragon Ball Z and is the 2nd series on the 4th SML Channel after SML Remakes. The series focuses on regular SML character Jeffy as the primary protagonist while including other SML characters such as Brooklyn Guy and Marvin star in the series as well. It began on January 17th, 2022 and has so far had one arc that ended on July 3rd, 2023.
- 1 Storyline
- 2 Characters
- 2.1 Protagonists
- 2.2 Antagonists
- 2.3 One-time appearances
- 3 Episodes
- 4 Sources
Seventeen year-old Jeffy goes through a phase of worshipping anime Dragon Ball Z, cosplaying Goku. His main motive is to collect all seven existing "dragon balls," mysterious figures that, when put together, can summon a dragon that will grant its user one wish.
Saiyan Saga:
Jeffy, Going by the name Jeffku, Goes on a quest to find the Dragon Balls, Along the way he fights several enemies, Using his newly unlocked Super Saiyan form. His son Jeffyhan also makes a brief appearance during Jeffy’s battle with Cody Nutkiss. When Jeffy finds all dragon balls and summons the dragon, Brooklyn steals his wish to have the same Gi he does. Brooklyn Guy is defeated by Jeffy and he returns Jeffy’s Gi. Realizing it didn’t give him any powers. Jeffy tries finding the Dragon Balls again, Along the way he encounters Vegeta (Junior), Another Saiyan who wants the Dragon Balls for himself, As well as Joseph who Jeffy refers to as “Pinocchio” (Most likely a reference to Picollo). Vegeta vows to return to become stronger, And starts going after the Dragon Balls himself. Each with one ball, Jeffy and Vegeta have a second battle, However Jeffy is victorious again, And takes the five star ball from Vegeta. Brooklyn Guy gets the other five Dragon Balls from the Loan Dolphin’s shop. He and Jeffy put their Balls together to summon the Dragon a second time, However Brooklyn Guy gets the wish once again, Wishing for Super Powers, However his powers are weak and Jeffy defeats him a second time. Jeffy goes off to find the Dragon Ball a third time. But he is ambushed by Vegeta and Nappa (Joseph) who were both defeated by Jeffy on his last quest. Jeffy uses his Super Saiyan form, Killing Nappa. Vegeta uses his Great Ape form to continue the fight. However Jeffy still wins easily, Removing Vegeta’s tail.
Frieza Saga:
returns to his master, Frieza, Who enacts a plot to get Jeffy to him by telling him that he already has the Dragon Balls. When Jeffy actually arrives, Frieza challenges him to a race to see who can find the Dragon Balls fastest, However this merely a trick, As Frieza is planning on taking the Balls from Jeffy when he finds them. Jeffy begins searching for the Dragon Balls once again, Getting into a battle with Donald Duck on the way, Jeffy finds six of the Dragon Balls. He goes back to Frieza, Who reveals he has the seventh. A fight breaks out between Jeffy and Frieza for who will get the Balls. Eventually Jeffy wins by knocking Frieza into a pool while Frieza is was trying to heal. Leaving Jeffy with all the Dragon Balls once again. However once again, Brooklyn guy arrives and takes the wish again, Wishing for Super Awesome Mega Powers. Brooklyn Guy becomes even stronger than Jeffy and quickly incapacitates him. However, Frieza is still alive, He sends Vegeta to distract Jeffy while Frieza searches for the Dragon Balls. Meanwhile Jeffy is banned from looking for the Balls by his parents. Jeffy’s parents find that Brooklyn Guy is spreading his wrath across the world, Rosalina suggests that Jeffy could possibly stop him and save the world, But Mario refuses the idea. Vegeta confronts Jeffy once again while Jeffy is in his room, They invent a game called “Ki Blastketball” and challenge each other to see who can win. Vegeta wins 5-1, Jeffy claims he is still more powerful since he isn’t a Super Saiyan. Jeffy makes and attempt to teach Vegeta to use the form, Upon Vegeta’s request, However he is unsuccessful. Brooklyn Guy visits Jeffy’s parent’s he explains that he found the Dragon Balls and wished for his own planet, However Frieza invaded the planet, Beat Brooklyn Guy with trickery and use the Dragon Balls from Brooklyn Guy’s planet to steal Guy’s power. Frieza returns to Earth to get revenge on Jeffy. Brooklyn Guy is actually in leagues with Frieza and lures Jeffy’s parents to the door so Frieza can attack them, However Guy is shocked when Frieza murders Mario and Rosalina. Guy makes and attempt to kill Frieza himself, However he is killed too. Frieza makes his way to Jeffy’s room. When Frieza reveals he wants to use his next wish to kill Vegeta, Vegeta finally uses Super Saiyan successfully, Vegeta fights bravely but it incapacitated by Frieza. Frieza enrages Jeffy by revealing the death of Mario and Rosalina. Frieza seems to be winning, But Jeffy ultimately uses a Destructo Disc to kill Frieza. Jeffy uses the Dragon Balls to wish that everyone Frieza killed would return to life to reunite with his family.
Cell Saga:
Brooklyn Guy makes amends with Mario. Meanwhile Dr. Finkleshitz creates Android 19, Releasing the powerful Android into the world to find a bride for Finkleshitz. Android 19 kidnaps Rosalina for Finkleshitz, Defeating Jeffy easily as he is impervious to Jeffy’s abilities. The incident leaves Jeffy depresses. However Vegeta helps Jeffy by telling him that Shrekami will help him get stronger if he is given a cheesecake. They get the Cheesecake and bring it to Shrekami, Who grants Jeffy access to the Hyperbolic Time Donkey Chamber. Finkleshitz comes on Television to reveal that he wants the Dragon Balls, And that he will he will execute a woman every day until he is given the Balls, Starting with Rosalina, Putting a limit on their time. Jeffy and Vegeta go to Shrekami and present him the Cheesecake so they can use the Time Chamber to train (Every day spent inside of the Chamber is equivalent to an hour outside, Meaning they save time by training inside of it.) Jeffy is permitted entrance. 12 hours later Jeffy exits the Chamber having gained Super Saiyan 2, However Junior cannot use the chamber as Shrekami only allows one entry per Cheesecake. Jeffy and Vegeta make their way to Dr. Finkleshitz base, The Dr. sends Android 19 to fight off the Saiyan’s, And Vegeta is quickly incapacitated. However Jeffy with one hit causes Android 19 to malfunction, activating Global Self Destruct. Jeffy uses Instant Transmission to take Android 19 into space to stop the Earth’s destruction, Sacrificing himself in the process. Jeffy leaves the safety of the Earth in the hands of Vegeta and Jeffyhan as he is sent to the afterlife.
- Jeffy (played by Lance Thirtyacre) - the primary protagonist and a seventeen-year old teenager who cosplays Goku from Dragon Ball Z and aspires to collect all seven dragon balls to make a wish. His special ability is to go "super Saiyan," which will upgrade his powers and turn his hair blonde.
- Marvin (played by Logan Thirtyacre) - Jeffy's father who feels uncomfortable around his cosplay and questions how he gained superpowers.
- Rose (played by Elaina Keyes) - Jeffy's mother and Marvin's wife who, like Marvin, doesn't fully understand the Dragon Ball Z concept.
- Doofy the Dragon (played by Lance Thirtyacre) - a wish-making dragon who is summoned each time the seven dragon balls are put together.
- Junior (played by Logan Thirtyacre) - a fourteen-year old teenager who cosplays Vegeta, the prince of all Saiyans. He serves as an antagonist for the first four episodes and, like Jeffy, aspires to make a wish using the dragon balls to become the most powerful Saiyan in the world.
- Brooklyn Guy (played by Chris Netherton) - a police officer and doctor who, like Jeffy, loves Dragon Ball Z. He serves as the primary antagonist for the first story arc, often stealing Jeffy's wishes from the dragon to give him new upgrades.
- Junior (first story arc)
- Lord Frieza (played by Lovell Stanton) - the enslaver of Junior and the tertiary antagonist who wishes to be the most powerful being in existence.
- Joseph (played by Lovell Stanton) - Junior's best friend who cosplays Nappa and has several separate interactions with Jeffy.
One-time appearances[]
- Cody
- Ken
- Jackie Chu
- Chef Pee Pee
- Screwball
- Loan Dolphin
- BraD
- Bully
- Jeffy-han
- Donald Duck
- Dr. Finkleshitz (minor, portraying as Dr. Gero)
- Shrek (minor, portraying as Kami)
- Android 19
No. of episode | Name | Air date | Running time |
1 | "Jeffy Ball Z" | January 17, 2022 | 10:18 |
Jeffy cosplays character Goku from Dragon Ball Z and sets off to collect "dragon balls," magical figures that summon a dragon to grant its user one wish. He fights off almost everyone he runs into, collecting six of the seven required dragon balls in the process. Brooklyn Guy visits him and brings the seventh dragon ball, summoning the wish making dragon. But before Jeffy can make his wish, Brooklyn steals it to have the same jacket he does, believing that it would give him the same superpowers Jeffy has. | |||
2 | "Jeffy Ball Z Episode 2" | December 4, 2022 | 11:23 |
Jeffy attacks Brooklyn for the theft, who apologizes and agrees to look for them again. He begins another search and runs into Junior, cosplaying Vegeta, who aspires to make a wish before he can. They fight during the day and night, with Jeffy eventually winning and stealing two of the dragon balls Junior possessed. Brooklyn acquires the rest of the dragon balls to summon the dragon before stealing Jeffy's wish a second time to inherit new superpowers. He attempts to use them on Jeffy, only to find out they are not strong to his liking. | |||
3 | "Jeffy Ball Z Episode 3"[1] | June 16, 2023 | 10:24 |
Brooklyn is knocked out by Jeffy, who then fights off Junior and wins despite the latter having backup. Junior turns to his master, Lord Frieza, for advice on how to defeat him. Lord Frieza challenges Jeffy to find all dragon balls before he can, then waits for him to collect six of the dragon balls before entrapping him. Jeffy escapes his trick and summons the dragon in private, but Brooklyn wakes up at the last second and gains superpowers using his wish, hospitalizing Jeffy with them and running off. | |||
4 | "Jeffy Ball Z Episode 4" | July 3, 2023 | 14:15 |
Lord Frieza orders Junior to distract Jeffy while he finds the dragon balls, and Junior goes on to defeat Jeffy in a sporting match. Jeffy decides to become Junior's mentor and convert him to heroism. Unknown to them, Lord Frieza attacks Brooklyn and steals his powers, only giving him mercy when he leads him to Jeffy. When Brooklyn eventually backpedals from the plan, Lord Frieza kills him along with Junior - who turned against him - and Jeffy's family. Outraged, Jeffy kills Lord Frieza and collects his dragon balls to wish everyone else back to life.
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5 | "Jeffy Ball Z Episode 5" | February 18, 2024 | 10:37 |
Jeffy's mother is kidnapped by Android-19, a powerful robot created by Dr. Gero Finkleshitz with the intention of finding a queen for him. Jeffy falls into a depression after failing to save his mother Rose, so Junior takes him to a power chamber where he spends the night evolving his powers. The two of them fight Android-19, only for him to go into global self-destruct and put the world at risk. While Junior evacuates Rose to her home, Jeffy teleports Android-19 to outer space, where they incinerate from the explosion. | |||
6 | "Jeffy Ball Z Episode 6" | TBA | TBA |