5.5 Q&A Thesis process (2025)

5.5.1 Preparation

1. When can I start with my thesis project (proposal)?
At a moment that is convenient on condition that you found a commissioner, agreed on a topic and arranged supervision for that topic. The kick-off meeting date is also flexible, provided that it can be scheduled in our agendas.

2. Do I need an internship agreement and should the TUD sign it as well?

Use of the uniform graduation agreement of the TU Delft is mandatory. It deals with labour regulations, insurance and intellectual property rights (IP).
The supervising team of TUD does not sign a NDA/internship agreement. We rely on communication and trust. The contract manager of CEG signs on behalf of the dean of CEG.
You can decide to keep your final thesis report confidential as mentioned in the TUD contract. You can also black out confidential text or data in your public document only, but not in the final version for your Committee.

3. I want to start with my thesis, but I am still waiting for a few EC?
You may start with a minimum of 80 EC (5 EC Specialisations; 5 EC Electives). If you miss other EC because a lecturer has not finished his/her correction of an exam, then contact the lecturer and explain the urgency. Wait with TIL-1 until you have the required EC. Discuss with a study advisor when you have (far) less than 80 EC and have urgent reasons to start with your thesis.

4. My courses are not in the correct categories in OSIRIS
Your specialisation choice is finalized in My Study Planning once you start the thesis process.

5. I followed two specialisations, which one should I mention in My Study Planning?
The Board of Examiners does not check if your thesis topic is in line with a specialisation. You can fill in either of the two.

6. I have (received) a project idea, but I wonder if it is suitable for a thesis?
Contact TIL Graduation Coordinator dr. Stefano Fazi or a potential supervisor to discuss.

7. I am looking for an interesting topic, but Brightspace does not offer anything I like?
Only a few lecturers (regularly) advertise projects on Brightspace. The information is not updated. Read section 5.1 carefully before you contact a lecturer. Dispuut Verkeer advertises via its own channels.

8. I had a lead with an external organisation, but they just gave up
Prevent this by having at least a few leads in your pocket. Continue searching.

9. Can I have a supervisor or graduation committee member from another section than T&P, T&L or ME?
Yes, as long as he or she works at CiTG, ME or TPM and fulfils the other mandatory criteria for a committee member. This also holds for the chair of your committee.

10. I am in the preparation phase of my project. Can I change my supervisor(s)?

You can change your supervising team before the kick-off and as long as TIL-1 is not signed and sent to the Board of Examiners,

Possible reasons could be:

- You attracted supervisors before you had a contract with a commissioner;

- You changed commissioner, field, topic, focus;

- Your can't agree on direction with your supervisors;

- Personal mismatch.

You have to communicate the reasons for change to them of course.

11. Which day should I fill in the TIL-1 form as starting day?
Formally it is the day of your kick-off meeting. Ask for a signature at the end of that meeting or later (digital is also valid).

5.5.2 Supervision

12. I like to change my supervising team after the kick-off

This is possible after consultaton with the Graduation Coordinator and your supervisors. Use TIL-1a to inform SPA.

13. My supervisors have a very congested agenda. How do I plan the meetings efficiently?
a. Planning
: Always plan the four mandatory meetings via the secretary of the chair. She has agenda access and can also reserve a meeting room. Count with a lead time of at least a month before a mandatory meeting (KO, MT, GL, FP) can be held. The kick-off can be planned when you have the final draft of your kick-off document ready for discussion (discuss with your TUD supervisors). The mid-term meeting is not exactly in the middle of your planning period, but depends on actual progress. The thesis manual discusses the ideal set-up for each meeting, but your progress may differ. Professors may also have their own way of working. Some professors want to see results (from experiments), while others have an open agenda. That is why you have to schedule the MT, GL and FP meetings after communication / agreement with your TUD supervisors. These meetings should also be included in your Gantt chart. Be in control of your planning, otherwise you may loose a lot of time waiting for something you are actually in charge for.

b. Regularity: Try to have the regular supervising meetings every 3-4 weeks with your TUD supervisor(s). Alternate only if it suits you, because these supervisors rarely communicate. In the final stage of your thesis project you can ask for a shorter lead time and then have a few short meetings.

14. My supervisors do not respond when I ask to comment on a document
It may help if you not only send them a document to discuss but also a deadline (for a meeting or response). If they have to respond to an updated text, mark the changes clearly in your document or add a reading list to your accompanying email. They usually lack the time to scan a full document. Without a deadline, other tasks are given priority.

5.5.3 Planning

15. Can I plan supervision or mandatory meetings in the summer break (Q5)?
The summer break is useful if you can work on topics that do not ask for (frequent) supervision, like literature review, data manipulation, programming and writing. External supervisor may be on holiday, which reduces support, including data gathering, discussing intermediate results, providing direction.
The same holds for lecturers. They are either free or prepare papers, prepare or update their courses etc. Few may have more time than during the regular course season.
Another factor to reckon with is the climate. The higher the temperature and humidity, the less productive you will be.

16. Why is the MSc thesis period this long?
My friends follow other - non-technical - masters. They have just a few months for their project.
Non-technical studies, in particular mono-disciplinary ones, are organized differently. They are shorter, hence a shorter period is also available for the thesis. In many cases, supervision is fairly limited, if at all available. This is usually related with the high(er) number of students. Exam sessions may be restricted to diploma gatherings. Graduation at an external commissioner is less common or sometimes regarded as too risky, also due to a lack of supervisors.

17. What are key reasons for thesis project delays and how to deal with them?

  • There are too many topics of your liking. Make a choice and focus on it.
  • It takes more time than you planned to contract a commissioner. Start your search process as early as possible.
  • You find it difficult to find the right supervisors. Discuss this with the TIL graduation coordinator or a lecturer/potential supervisor.
  • You take far too much time to prepare a proposal. A proposal will never be perfect. Discuss with your supervisors when enough is enough and organise your kick-off meeting.

Making choices

  • Your scope is too wide. As a result, you are busy with many issues, which may not be relevant for your main goal. The reason may that you oversold yourself or that your own ambitions do not match with the limited time available. Discuss a refocus with your supervisors.
  • You cannot get the required data for your research (on time). Discuss solutions and responsibilities with your supervisors; involve the commissioner supervisor in this meeting.
  • You postpone report writing in favour of action-oriented topics, like building a tool or applying it. This may lead to loss of overview, uncertainty about progress, planning issues, etc. Start writing just after the kick-off meeting and do this regularly.


  • You may be bored by literature analysis or don't like writing. Both are essential elements of a scientific study. Tool specialists also have to write about their work, otherwise non-experts (and managers) can't use their work. Adapt to the challenge. It may be nicer than you think.
  • Your overall motivation fluctuates considerably. Take a break to find out if the study is the problem or something private. Depending on the outcome, either discuss with your supervisors and study advisors or find solutions to improve your private life.
  • There is plenty more on motivation in other parts of the thesis portal.

Personal issues

  • Illness or disorders (ADHD, dyslexia, etc.). Mention these briefly to your supervisors (when you start). We can provide more guidance and stability early on.


  • You don't match with one of your supervisors (content-wise or at a personal level). Discuss the matter and if necessary, ask for a change.
  • It is very difficult to schedule the mandatory thesis meetings. Unfortunately, the agendas of chairs and many supervisors are quite full. Try to schedule some of these meetings well ahead, with a less strict connection to your actual progress. Change dates and purposes later on.

5.5.4 Final Defence and Graduation

18. I want to schedule my final defence meeting, but I have not passed all courses
RGBOE CEG MSc Totaal 2024-2025 contains Article 28 with pass/fail rules governing Master’s degree:
"1. To obtain the Master’s degree, students must:
have obtained a pass V, a mark with the meaning satisfactory or higher, or an exemption VR for every course.
2. In special cases, the Board of Examiners may deviate from the provisions of section 1 of this article in favour of the
student. It will stipulate additional requirements if necessary.As a consequence, you have to wait until that has happened."

19. Can I have an incomplete Thesis Assessment Committee at the Final meeting?
If one of the ThesisAssessment Committee members, not the chairman, is not available and postponing your defence leads to a major delay due to congested agendas, then the Board of Examiners has decided that he or she must prepare an assessment document and share this with all Committee membersbeforeyour final defence meeting. Online attendance may be hampered by failing IT, which is why it should remain an exception.
A sudden illness is regarded as force major. The Chairman of the Committee should contact the missing Committee Member and try to find the same solution as mentioned above.
Changing the date of the Final Defence meeting is preferred, although it is not always feasible or acceptable.

Article 10.13 of the TER MSc TIL 2024-2025 applies. Also read section 4 of the thesis manual.

5.5 Q&A Thesis process (2025)


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